- Introduction
- Tutorials
- User interfaces
- Administrative settings
- Creating/founding a new database project
- Opening page
- Invitations
- Modules
- API documentation
- Install new OBM Server guide
- PWA application
- Mobile application documentation
- Developer hints
- Frequently Asked Questions
- What is OpenBioMaps?
- What is OpenBioMaps Consortium?
- How can I create/find a new database-project?
- How can I upload data?
- How can I access data?
- How can I retrieve data with my mobile phone?
- How can I sign up for an OpenBioMaps project?
- Is there a programmable interface for developers?
- What language support is available?
- How can I contribute to OpenBioMaps?
- Should I pay for anything?
- How and where does the OpenBioMaps store the data?
- Is there any backup solution?
- I lost my password, how can I get a new one?
- Pink squares appear on the map page
- What is the RUM?
- Is it possible to assign a DOI to databases?
- Where can I find the list of the existing OpenBioMaps servers?
- How to use the OpenBioMaps mobile app?
- Where can I find the OpenBioMaps R package?
- What data download options are there?
- How/where can I access photos taken in the field with the mobile app?
- How can I delete data?
- I can’t query/see data which is visible to other users
Server configuration¶
The Supervisor is a standalone web application to perform low-level configuration of OBM server and projects and to maintain updates. Supervisor is also installed during the OBM server installation and can be accessed from its root URL, e.g. yourserver.com/supervisor/ or yourserver.com/supervisor.php
The Supervisor login password can be regenerated by running the obm_post_install.sh command:
/srv/docker/openbiomaps# /obm_post_install.sh update supervisor
Supervisor has two modes of operation, system and project. In system mode, system level updates are available and system_vars.php.inc
can be modified. In project mode, project updates are available and local_vars.php.inc
can be modified, as well as database level modifications related to the project that are related to the project creation. Furthermore, in project mode, a file manager is available to manage the contents of the project/local folder. Supervisor project mode is also available from the project administration interface for project administrators.
The system settings for OpenBioMaps can be found in the system_vars.php.inc file. This can be modified via the Supervisor.
define("GISDB_HOST",'localhost'); // for creating new project
define("MAPSERVER_HOST",'localhost'); // for creating new project
// Postgis version - not necessary to set, it only has historical value
// Default sendmail opetion, can be override in project level in local_vars.php.inc
define('SENDMAIL','smtp'); # sendmail | smtp
// memcache tpye - choose this
// R-Shiny Server ports, for the projects where R shiny server should be enabled
// Supported languages
// bug report system can be activated by put AUTO_BUGREPORT_ADDRESS constant
// ask the issue-key from the gitlab-repo mainteners
apache server¶
cgi-bin settings
fastcgi settings
mapcache settings
memcache settings
There are some recommended cron jobs to set up (examples):
# m h dom mon dow command
0 4,16 * * * /srv/docker/openbiomaps/auto_update.sh > /srv/docker/openbiomaps/system_update_job.log
using the https://github.com/OpenBioMaps/scripts/blob/master/obm_archive.sh script (with .archive_list.txt and obm_archive_settings.sh)
# m h dom mon dow command
0 2 * * * /path_to/obm_archive.sh normal
15 2 * * * /path_to/obm_archive.sh system
15 3 1 * * /path_to/obm_archive.sh full
0 5 * * * /path_to/obm_archive.sh clean
# remote servers
0 4 * * * /path_to/obm_archive.sh sync remote_user@remote-server.com /remote_path_to_archives
On Docker use the instructions at the end of obm_archive_settings.sh
jobs runner
# m h dom mon dow command
*/5 * * * * /path_to/docker-compose -f /srv/docker/openbiomaps/docker-compose.yml exec -u www-data -T app php /var/www/html/biomaps/root-site/projects/PROJECTTABLE/jobs.php