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API documentation

HTTP methods: GET, POST

API tools: Authentication, Data retrieval, Data push, Settings update

API handlers:

Authentication handler (OAUTH):

/oatuh/token.php: Authentication / Authorisation

Authentication-based interface (PDS / Oauth):

/projects/projectname/API_VERSION/pds.php: Data retrieval, Data upload, Settings update

Non-authenticated requests (web):


PDS API version:

Example: http://openbiomaps.org/projects/dead_animals/v2.1/pds.php

The default version setting (if the version string missing from the URL) is 1.1., which is compatible with 2.0 and backward compatible with 1.0.


An oauth2 implementation based on ttps://bshaffer.github.io/oauth2-server-php-docs/. OAUTH is used in the web interface and in the PDS as well.


  • grant_type: password

  • username: a registered email address

  • password: password string

  • scope: list of requested scope access in the authenticated session

HTML authentication of clients is necessary

Available clients are mobile, R, web

The OAUTH only accepts

  • application/x-www-form-urlencoded

  • multipart/form-data



  • get_form_data

  • get_form_list

  • put_data


The main OBM API interface. Basically designed for R and mobile clients. It uses OAUTH for authentication. Due to OAUTH processing it is only accept application/x-www-form-urlencoded and multipart/form-data requests!


  • scope: data methods: see below

  • value: Most scopes use

  • header: (put data) JSON list of table columns’ names

  • ignore_warning: (put data) ignore upload warnings

  • form_id: (put_data) set form id

  • data: (put data) JSON array of uploaded data

GET type scopes


Query general project variables (also available for non-logged-in users).

Additional parameters:

  • project [text]: if not set default is the template project


  • project_url [url string]: The web address of the project

  • project_description [text string]: Short description of the project

  • game [on/off]: game available for Android mobile app

  • public_mapserv [url string]: URL of publicly accessible map service

  • rserver_port [numeric]: numeric port number of R-Shiny server, accessible on project_url


Get a list and basic info on database projects available on the server. If a user is already logged in, get a list of those projects where the user has an account and where there are public query/upload interfaces. If the user is not logged in, query public projects only.

Additional parameters:

  • only-project [text]: query project parameters only for the selected project, default is to query all accessible projects

  • accessible [text]: all/accessible. If the accessible parameter is given and its value is “accessible” (default)


  • project_table [string],

  • creation_date [date string],

  • Creator [string],

  • email [string],

  • stage [string] experimental/testing/stable,

  • doi [string],

  • running_date [date string],

  • license [string],

  • rum [string],

  • collection_dates [date range string],

  • subjects [text],


Query the list of available upload forms.


Query the fields of the selected form.

Additional parameters:

  • value [numeric] numeric id of a form.

Returns: see in examples below.

Explanations of variables:

default value: Fix value for all observations. It can be controlled with the following options:

  • ‘_input’ works as any other field with a sticky flag.

  • ‘_list’ works as any other list-type field with a sticky flag.

  • ‘_geometry’ works as a geometry-type field

  • ‘_login_name’ this value is overridden by the user’s name if logged in or returns as _input

  • ‘_email’ this value overridden by the user’s email address if logged in or returns as _input

  • ‘_autocomplete’ alias of input

  • ‘_boolean’ display as a normal boolean list

  • ‘_attachment’ display as normal attachments field

  • ‘_datum’ display as a normal date field

  • ‘_auto_geometry’ geometry field without extra options (map, set)

  • ‘_none’ not used

column: The name of the column in the database

short_name: Visible name of the column for the users

list: JSON array for menu items of a select menu. Can be {key:value} or [value,value] format

control: Data checking commands: custom_check, minmax, spatial, nocheck, NULL

count: (JSON array) If the control=’minmax’ this field contains the limit values, e.g 1:100

type: column’s openbiomaps type:

  • autocomplete (JSON array)

  • autocomplete_list (JSON array)

  • boolean (two elements list)

  • crings (color rings - text)

  • date (YYYY-MM-DD or other clear format)

  • datetime (YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss)

  • file_id (file names as id by the server)

  • line (WKT geometry string)

  • list (JSON array)

  • numeric

  • point (WKT geometry string)

  • polygon (WKT geometry string)

  • text

  • time (HH:mm)

  • timetominutes (numeric value between 0 and 1440)

  • tinterval idő intervallum (HH:mm - HH:mm)

  • wkt (WKT string)

  • array (JSON array)

genlist: JSON array for menu items of an autocomplete menu. Can be {key:value} or [value,value] format

obl: 1,2,3 (obligatory, non-obligatory, soft error) Soft error can be handled as non-obligatory.

api_params: JSON array of control values. Till API v2.0 only ‘sticky’ as an array element.

api_params above API v2.0:

 "unfolding_list": "off"

spatial_limit: WKT polygon string of spatial limit. It is used if the Control type is spatial.

list_definition: JSON array of the complex list definition

custom_function: null




Get profile data of a selected user


Get data rows from a selected data table (observation data).


Get the species list from a project.


Get the history of a selected data row.


Perform a predefined query and get the result.


Get the list of tables in a project


Not available from API 2.6

Get the list of available trainings/forms.


  • the set of training titles, ids, and descriptions,…


Get the list of questions for the selected training.

Not available from API 2.6

Additional parameters:

  • value [numeric] numeric id of a training.


  • The set of questions, answers, and settings


Status list of users’ training for each form. Status can be -1 (not sent), 0 (not validated yet), 1 (done, ok).

Not available from API 2.6


Toplist of trainings. Mean, Max, and Count values for each form.

Not available from API 2.6

Additional parameters:

  • value [text] summary without names (nonames).


JSON array of uploaded data.

Additional parameters:

  • Value [numeric] limit of array length. If 0, no limit, default is no limit.

POST type scopes


Send/upload data using a selected form

Can be either

  • tracklog

  • form_id

Obligatory parameters for form_id:

  • header

  • data

Optional parameters along form_id:

  • metadata

  • api_warnings

  • srid

  • description

  • upload_table_post

  • default_values

File upload

PATCH type scopes


Update specific settings



Usage example: curl -u mobile:123 http://openbiomaps.org/oauth/token.php -d "grant_type=password&username=foo@foobar.hu&password=abc123&scope=get_form_data+get_form_list+put_data" | jq

Specific error messages:

  "error": "invalid_grant",
  "error_description": "Invalid username and password combination"

Successful response:

  "access_token": "2cf59c094cc83498355ee9f520848efab6f71fe0",
  "expires_in": 3600,
  "token_type": "Bearer",
  "scope": "get_form_data get_form_list put_data apiprofile",
  "refresh_token": "e14dd3e0f13dffb17d36b2acfe9d161fd4ec1d4f"

Using refresh token:

curl -F 'grant_type=refresh_token' -F 'refresh_token=e14dd3e0f13dffb17d36b2acfe9d161fd4ec1d4f' -F 'client_id=R' http://openbiomaps.org/oauth/token.php | jq


  "scope":"get_form_data get_form_list",


Usage example:

curl -F 'access_token=c53c9ec690fede4c3' -F 'scope=get_form_data' -F 'value=246' -F 'project=dead_animals' https://openbiomaps.org/projects/dead_animals/v2.3/pds.php | jq

Specific error messages:

 "status": "error",
 "message": "Form access denied.",
 "data": ""

Successful response:

 "status": "success",
 "message": "",
 "data": {
   "form_header": {
     "login_name": "Gipsz Jakab",
     "login_email": "jakab.gipsz@openbiomaps.jupyter.ga",
     "boldyellow": [
     "num_ind": "quantity",
     "tracklog_mode": "",
     "observationlist_mode": "false",
     "observationlist_time_length": "0",
     "periodic_notification_time": null
   "form_data": [
      "description": "...",
      "default_value": "...",
      "column": "species",
      "short_name": "Scientific species name",
      "list": [...],
      "control": "nocheck",
      "count": "{}",
      "type": "list",
      "genlist": null,
      "obl": "1",
      "api_params": {
        "sticky": "on",
        "hidden": "off",
        "readonly": "off",
        "list_elements_as_buttons": "on",
        "once": "off",
        "unfolding_list": "off"
      "spatial_limit": null,
      "list_definition": {
        "multiselect": false,
        "selected": null,
        "triggerTargetColumn": [],
        "Function": ""
      "custom_function": null,
      "column_label": null,
      "field_description": "..."
     }, {...} ]


Usage example:

curl http://openbiomaps.org/projects/checkitout/pds.php -d "access_token=d4fba6585303bba8da3e6afc1eb9d2399499ef3e&scope=get_form_list"

 "status": "success",
 "message": "",
 "data": [
    "id": "1017",
    "visibility": "Observation list - obligatory / tracklog no",
    "form_id": "1017",
    "published_form_id": "1016",
    "form_name": "Observation list - obligatory / tracklog no",
    "last_mod": "1674809097"
    "id": "938",
    "visibility": "relational columns test",
    "form_id": "938",
    "published_form_id": "937",
    "form_name": "relational columns test",
    "last_mod": "1660679646"

Data upload

Usage example:

curl -i -X POST \
-H “Content-Type:application/x-www-form-urlencoded” \
-H “Authorization:Bearer …” \
-d “scope=put_data” \
-d “form_id=128” \
-d “header=[“obm_geometry”,”datum”,”comment”,”observer”]” \
-d “data=[{“obm_geometry”:”point(48.071187 19.293714)”,”datum”:”2018-04-03”,”comment”:”asdad”,”observer”:”sdsaada”}]” \
-d “ignore_warning=1” \

Javascript example:

const xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
xhr.open("POST", "https://openbiomaps.org/projects/checkitout/v2.5/pds.php");
xhr.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8");
const encodedData = Object.keys(data)
    .map(key => encodeURIComponent(key) + '=' + encodeURIComponent(data[key]))
xhr.onload = () => {
  if (xhr.readyState == 4 && xhr.status == 201) {
  } else {
    console.log(`Error: ${xhr.status}`);

Data upload with multiple attachments (files):

curl \
-F “access_token=…” \
-F ‘scope=put_data’ \
-F ‘form_id=58’ \
-F ‘header=[“species”,”obm_geometry”,”obm_files_id”]’ \
-F ‘batch=[\
{“data”:[{“species”:”Sylvia curruca”,”obm_geometry”:”POINT(22.0 46.3)”}],”attached_files”:”file1,file2”},\
{“data”:[{“species”:”Lanius Collurio”,”obm_geometry”:”POINT(21.5 47.1)”}],”attached_files”:”file3”}]’ \
-F ‘file1=@file1’ \
-F ‘file2=@file2’ \
-F ‘file3=@file3’ \

Packed data upload. Data line in ZIP archive. This is the old mobile app’s export format. The ZIP file contains the following files:


The ZIP file name is ‘Sun May 13 08:52:51 CEST 2018.zip’ which was created from the observation date-time sting. The note.txt contains the observation comment which can be associated with one column of the form. In this example, it is the ‘species’. The other 3 columns shouldn’t be replaced or neglected. If there are some obligatory columns in the form, those can be filled by the default_value parameter. In this example, the ‘egyedszam’ column is an obligatory field that will be filled with ‘1’. Packed lines can be super packed. In this case ‘packed_line’ parameter should be changed to ‘multipacked_lines’ and the zip archive should contain the zip files detailed above.

curl \
-F ‘scope=put_data’ \
-F ‘table=dinpi’ \
-F ‘form_id=58’ \
-F ‘header=[“obm_geometry”,”obm_files_id”,”faj”,”dt_to”]’ \
-F ‘default_values={“egyedszam”:”1”}’ \
-F ‘packed_line=@Sun May 13 08:52:51 CEST 2018.zip’ \


Usage example:

It is a non-authenticated request on PDS:

curl https://openbiomaps.org/projects/checkitout/v2.5/pds.php -d "scope=get_project_list&value=" | jq

Successful response:

"status": "success",
"data": [
    "project_table": "checkitout",
    "creation_date": "2016-03-09",
    "Creator": "",
    "email": "",
    "stage": "sandbox",
    "doi": null,
    "running_date": null,
    "licence": "ODbL",
    "rum": "+++",
    "collection_dates": null,
    "subjects": null,
    "project_hash": "28gmst44rm8g",
    "project_url": "https://openbiomaps.org/projects/checkitout/",
    "project_description": "Checkitout! Sandbox.",
    "public_mapserv": "-",
    "training": "f",
    "rserver": "f",
    "language": "hu",
    "game": "off",
    "rserver_port": 0

Training explanations and examples

No client from API 2.6.


curl -F 'scope=get_trainings' -F 'access_token=9d45...' -F 'project=dinpi' http://localhost/biomaps/pds.php

Result of a successful call:

{"status":"success","data":[{"id":"1","form_id":"95","html":"<div>...",,"task_description":"<div>...","enabled":"t","title":"Gyakorlás I.","qorder":"1","project_table":"dinpi"}]}

curl -F 'scope=get_training_questions' -F 'access_token=9d45...' -F 'project=dinpi' http://localhost/biomaps/pds.php

Result of a successful call:

{"status":"success","data":[ {"qid":"1", "training_id":"1", "caption":"...?", "answers":[{"Answer": "...","isRight": "false" } ],"qtype":"multiselect"}]}

qtype can be multi-select or single select

curl -F 'scope=training_results' -F 'access_token=9bb4...' -F 'project=dinpi' http://localhost/biomaps/pds.php

Result of a successful call:


Meaning of values: form-95 done, form-96 done, but not validated yet, form-97,98 not completed yet

curl -F 'scope=training_toplist' -F 'value=nonames' -F 'access_token=5ac3...' -F 'project=dinpi' http://localhost/biomaps/pds.php

Result of a successful call:


curl -F 'scope=training_toplist' -F 'access_token=5ac3...' -F 'project=dinpi' http://localhost/biomaps/pds.php

      "95":{"Gipsz Jakab":{"mean":"0.30000000000000000000","count":"1","max":"0.3"},
            "Foo Aladár":{"mean":"0.70000000000000000000","count":"1","max":"0.7"}},
      "96":{"Foo Aladár":{"mean":"0.70000000000000000000","count":"1","max":"0.7"}},
      "97":{"Foo Aladár":{"mean":"0.70000000000000000000","count":"1","max":"0.7"}},
      "98":{"Mr. Bean":{"mean":null,"count":"1","max":null}}}}

General API answers

Based on: https://labs.omniti.com/labs/jsend

It is always a JSON string:


X: success, error, fail

General error messages

  "status": "error",
  "message": "The access token provided is invalid"
  "status": "error",
  "message": "The request requires higher privileges than provided by the access token"


The index.php is also an API service in some cases (?query=) for _GET requests only and for unauthenticated requests. This API uses text_filter modules to assemble an SQL query statement.


query: (API endpoint)

qtable: (data table for data retrieve)

report: (data retreive using stored queries)

output: (JSON, XML, CSV, … file output; If not set, the output is the web interface)

filename: (the file name of the output file)

Get the list of active (known) OpenBioMaps servers using query API:

curl http://openbiomaps.org/projects/openbiomaps_network/index.php -G -d 'query={"available":"up"}&output=json&filename=results.json'

Get a filtered table from a non-default table:

curl https://openbiomaps.org/projects/pollimon/index.php -G -d 'query={"q":"2"}&output=json&qtable=pollimon_sample_plots'

LQ API endpoint:

LQ: (display data from a stored query result)

Usage example:

wget http://openbiomaps.org/projects/checkitout/?report=2@szamossag&output=csv