- Introduction
- Tutorials
- User interfaces
- Upload data workflow
- API documentation
- Install new OBM Server guide
- Privacy and Data Protection Policy
- Az adatkezelő neve
- Az üzemeltetők nevei
- Elérhetőség
- Fogalmak
- Az adatkezelés jogalapja
- Az adatkezelés célja
- Az adatkezelés időtartama
- A személyes adatok módosítása, törlése
- Adatbiztonsági intézkedések
- Az adatkezelési szabályzat módosításának lehetősége
- A felhasználók jogai személyes adataik kezelésével kapcsolatban
- Jogérvényesítési lehetőségek
- Terms and condition
- Frequently Asked Questions
- What is OpenBioMaps?
- What is OpenBioMaps consortium?
- How can I contact the consortium?
- How can I create a new database?
- How can I upload data?
- How can I store queries and how can I refere them?
- How can I sign up for OpenBioMaps?
- Is there a programmable interface for developers?
- What languages are supported?
- Which operating systems are compatible with OpenBioMaps?
- How can I contribute to OpenBioMaps?
- Shoud I pay for anything?
- How and where the OpenBioMaps strore the data?
- How can I join OpenBioMaps?
- I lost my password, how can I get a new?
- Pink squares appear on the map page
- How can I control the shared polygons?
- What is the RUM?
- Are there DOI for databases?
Upload data workflow¶
The following options are available for data uploading¶
File upload
Supported formats:
Simple text formats: csv, dsv, tsv, json
Image files: jpg, tiff (Exif column will be processed)
Spreadsheet formats: ods (Libreoffice), xls (Excel), xlsx (Excel)
Spatial formats: Esri shape (.shp, .dbf, .cpg, .prj, .shx together), gpx (GPS adatformátum (xml)), sqlite
Genetic data: fasta
Any kind of file (listed above) can be gathered from a given URL (simple GET request)
Web Form
External programs
Using API interface (e.g. mobile-app, R-client)
Using SQL connection (e.g. QGIS)
Data export from the upload forms¶
During the upload or from the saved uploads interfaces it is possible to export data into a CSV file.